Volunteer Arlington, a program of Leadership Center for Excellence, held its second annual Young Professionals Care event on Saturday, October 13, 2018. Over 70 young professionals participated in the event which was held at the Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston. A Volunteer Fair gave participants an opportunity to explore 27 local nonprofit and County organizations regarding their missions and specific volunteer opportunities. Additionally, a Power Hour of Service gave participants a hands-on activity, making blankets for Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) to give to children whose parents are incarcerated.
Young Professionals Care with Volunteer Arlington

Volunteer Arlington, a program of Leadership Center for Excellence, held its second annual Young Professionals Care event on Saturday, October 13, 2018. Over 70 young professionals participated in the event which was held at the Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston. A Volunteer Fair gave participants an opportunity to explore 27 local nonprofit and County organizations regarding their missions and specific volunteer opportunities. Additionally, a Power Hour of Service gave participants a hands-on activity, making blankets for Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) to give to children whose parents are incarcerated.