Courthaus Social
Where you’re sitting: On an expansive patio at the foot of a Courthouse office building, amid live sports, jumbo Jenga and usually more than a few dogs. The food is a bit … heavy, as German food tends to be. Expect pretzels, schnitzel, pot pies and half a dozen sausages.
What you’re drinking: Something different all the time, thanks to a regular array of tap takeovers by locals such as Union and Jailbreak, and national craft stalwarts such as Wicked Weed. There’s a little more continuity in the 30 or so bottle selections.
A little something extra: The best way to experience those tap takeovers is with a flight of four beers. Then, when you settle on one you like, ask for it in a boot. Not an actual boot, mind you, but a giant glass boot.
2300 Clarendon Blvd.; courthaussocial.com