8 Free Things to Do In July

Free gallery openings, live music, picnics and more.

Local artist Justin Trawick  is a favorite at the Shirlala Music Festival (Facebook photo)

2. Live Music and More Live Music

If summertime concerts are your jam, get ready for live performances covering just about every genre under the moon.  On Fridays, the Tysons Summer Concert Series  features artists like Matt Nathanson, O-Town and Sidewalk Prophets.  You’ll also find free weekly live music—everything from big band tunes to rock, bluegrass and more—in Falls Church City (Summer Concerts in the Park), Shirlington (Shirlala Music Festival), Pentagon Row (Rock the Row), Lubber Run Amphitheater, McLean’s Central Park Gazebo (Summer Sunday Concerts in the Park) and at the Netherlands Carillon near the Iwo Jima Memorial in Rosslyn.

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