Susan Wisely

Realtor®, Luxury Specialist
6849 Old Dominion Drive, Suite 400
M: 703-927.3126 | O: 703-310-6111

With over two decades of experience, Susan has established herself as one of the nation’s leading Realtors®, earning the trust and admiration of clients and colleagues. Her success is rooted in her knowledge of local markets, mastery of the real estate process and unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled service to every client. 

Q: What sets you apart from the competition?

A: In today’s competitive market, I stand out as the Realtor who combines industry expertise with finesse. With over 24 years of unparalleled success, I am renowned for my meticulous approach to preparing homes for sale. My “how you live” and “how you sell” concepts breathe new life into spaces, captivating potential buyers and allowing them to envision their ideal lifestyle. I am a trusted advisor who can guide my clients through the complex process of both buying and selling their most valuable asset: their home.

Q: How does your personal background contribute to your professional success?

A: Having lived in Northern Virginia since the mid-1980s, I possess an in-depth understanding of this area’s unique dynamics. Growing up in a military family, with a retired Navy Admiral father, I have experienced multiple relocations, providing valuable insights into the challenges of moving. 

Q: Why should potential clients consider working with you?

A: Now more than ever, hiring an experienced agent is so important! I have the knowledge to help you get the most for your home and provide a smooth transaction from beginning to end. Preparing homes for sale is my passion and, if needed, I have contractors to help get work done so you can show your home in its best light and not leave money on the table! I care deeply for my clients and stay in touch long after the sale. 

If you are interested in making a move, it would be my pleasure to assist you … Choose Wisely.