Sleep & TMJ Therapy

Jeffrey L. Brown, DDS, MBA
2841 Hartland Road, Suite 301
Falls Church

I love helping my patients get their lives back. 

Getting to the root of jaw discomfort and sleeping problems is Dr. Jeffrey Brown’s calling. His practice, Sleep & TMJ Therapy, uses non-surgical strategies to help with craniofacial pain, TMJ and sleep-related problems. 

“I love helping my patients get their lives back,” says Dr. Brown. “Chronic pain can drastically affect one’s personality and quality of life. Every day, we meet new patients who feel hopeless, have been in pain for years and have seen doctor after doctor but are still searching for answers. Our work transforms patients’ lives by providing solutions for long-term pain from slipped discs in the jaw joint and cranial distortions.”

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, known as TMJ or TMD, is an internal imbalance of the jaw joints caused by the disc not being in the correct anatomical place. This may create discomfort throughout the body, including popping, clicking, limited mouth opening, ringing in the ears, headaches, and even neck and back pain. Dr. Brown and his team treat these conditions using appliance therapy that takes the pressure off joints and allows discs to return to the correct place, leveling the cranium and achieving internal balance and symmetry. 

For sleep issues, Dr. Brown uses customized dental appliances that promote healthier breathing by supporting the jaw and opening the airway. This reduces symptoms such as snoring, interrupted breathing, fatigue, irritability and headaches.

A graduate of the Georgetown Dental School and a Fellow of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, Dr. Brown is a sought-after international speaker for TMD and sleep apnea therapies.