Michael J. Paesani, DMD

Nova Dental Studio
200 Little Falls St., Suite 101
Falls Church

“A healthy, confident smile can positively impact not only the individual but others around them. Healthy teeth and gums can make you more likely to smile and more self-confident. And to others, a radiant smile translates to positivity and approachability.”

Q: What is your approach to patient care?

A: The team at Nova Dental Studio emphasizes long-term oral health and takes a conservative approach to dental care, meaning more invasive treatments are used only when absolutely necessary.

Q: How can a beautiful, healthy smile contribute to a patient’s overall quality of life and confidence?

A: A healthy, confident smile can positively impact not only the individual but others around them. Healthy teeth and gums can make you more likely to smile and more self-confident. And to others, a radiant smile translates to positivity and approachability.

Q: What advice would you offer someone looking to get back on track with their oral health journey and enhance their smile?

A: Start somewhere. Delaying dental care can be detrimental to more than your teeth and mouth; poor oral health is linked to many systemic health issues, including heart attacks and stroke. If you’re unsure how to begin, just schedule an initial check-up and cleaning. This gives you professional insight into the health of your mouth. A comprehensive evaluation will identify issues, but it doesn’t obligate you to treatment. We work to ensure that any recommended treatment can be done in small steps, easing back into regular and routine dental care.

Q: What do you enjoy most about what you do?

A: Seeing the positive change in a patient after improving their smile is rewarding. Beyond that, the friendly team at NDS enjoys meeting and interacting with so many people, talking about music, restaurants, travel and more. No two patients are the same.