Ivy Horan

President & Owner | MGI Corporate Gifts LLC

Founded by Ivy Horan, MGI (Make Great Impressions) specializes in meaningful, personalized gifts and awards for events. Proudly SWaM certified and a finalist for the 2024 Arlington Chamber of Commerce Best Small Business Award, MGI serves a diverse clientele and has grown from two clients in 2019 to over 60 in 2023.

Q: What woman inspires you and why? 

A: Hands down, my mother, Mary Pivec. My parents married in 1970 and I was born in 1971. Despite working full-time, my mother pursued her education, graduating Magna Cum Laude with a BA in English, Spanish and Education. By 1981, she’d earned her Master of Liberal Arts and law degree (Cum Laude). 

Her energy and perseverance in juggling a demanding career and family life are truly inspiring. Her journey was challenging, but she endured and, with the support of my dad and extended family, achieved her dream of becoming a successful attorney. I am incredibly proud of everything she has accomplished. 

Q: What was a major turning point in your life and/or career? 

A: Being laid off from my previous employer after 12 years was a pivotal moment that, as shocking and traumatic as it was then, I now look back on with gratitude. With my husband’s support and encouragement, I leveraged my knowledge and expertise in the corporate gifts industry to launch my own business on my terms. 

The daily commute into D.C.—45 minutes each way—was such a drain on my time. I was missing precious moments with my young son and valuable family and personal time. Now, with a flexible schedule that suits my needs, I prioritize being present for my family. I volunteer at my son’s school, participate in his activities and actively contribute to my community. I’m truly thankful for where I am today and grateful to have found this fulfilling work-life balance.