Handy Manny’s Painting

4026 7th St S

Call Handy Manny’s for a paint job and the first person you speak with is likely to be co-owner Chrissy Bistline-Bonilla—which is sort of nice, since you’re probably a woman, too. Women make up about 80% of callers, says the Arlington small-business owner, whose husband, Manny (the operation’s namesake), is usually out on job sites with his crew. “It’s nice to talk to another woman and not feel like you’re going to get mansplained,” she quips. Bistline-Bonilla is no stranger to hustle. She can count on one hand the number of days she and her husband haven’t had work for the four painters they employ. The company has had zero worker turnover since it launched in 2019. –Susan Anspach

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