Letter from the Publisher

Silver Linings


A family friend recently asked our oldest daughter how her senior year of high school was going. She thought for a second and then replied, “It’s all the work without any of the fun.” In many ways, that sums up 2020.

My dad just turned 92 and my mom is 85. This was the first year since 1990—when I was living overseas—that I didn’t visit my parents on Thanksgiving. I’ve only been able to see them twice in person since March. This weighs on me, especially given their ages. I know that many of us are sad about not being able to spend time with our parents and extended families, especially during the holidays. Traditions have been suspended and joyful occasions are being missed. Worse, people are sick and dying. As my mom often states, “It’s the pits.”

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Those of you who know me are aware that I am an optimistic person. Even though 2020 was a very difficult year, I continue to find small happy moments. Many of us were forced to slow down and spend more time with our immediate families and close friends (our “pods” or “quaranteams”). Pre-Covid, I never would have taken a mid-afternoon workday break to go for a walk with my wife and daughters or grab a football and play catch with our youngest—who, at 13, still has not grown tired of tossing the pigskin around with her dad. Pre-Covid, we never would have had the time for a fire pit or an impromptu game of cards (our family favorite is “Oh Hell”) on a weeknight and the leisurely conversations that follow. Pre-Covid, we didn’t watch much TV and rarely got into a series. This year, my wife and I have enjoyed Ozark, The Crown, Schitt’s Creek and Cobra Kai. Next up: The Queen’s Gambit.

Which leads me to our January/February issue. There is still a lot to be thankful for in our wonderful community. I love the Best of Arlington issue because it celebrates the best places, services, people and organizations that Arlington, McLean and Falls Church (the three communities we cover) have to offer. It is a terrific resource, featuring reader picks from our annual survey, as well as editor picks from our editorial staff. From obvious categories, like Best Pediatrician and Best Builder, to pandemic-specific ones, like Restaurant You Missed Most During Quarantine and Restaurant That Gave Back During the Pandemic, there are so many positives we can point to. We are fortunate to live in a great community with people who are thoughtful and supportive of one another. It’s certainly not a utopia (we have our problems), but I believe we’re lucky to be here.

On behalf of my colleagues at Arlington Magazine, I wish you and your families a joyous holiday and a healthy, happy and prosperous new year. Thank you for all your support in 2020. We’re looking forward to a (hopefully) much improved 2021. As always, I can be reached at greg.hamilton@arlingtonmagazine.com and our editor, Jenny Sullivan, can be reached at jenny.sullivan@arlingtonmagazine.com.

All the best,

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Greg Hamilton, Publisher

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