If you’re more than a few years out of college, you may prefer wine with pizza instead of beer.
But at a time where it’s hard to find a good glass of vino that doesn’t cost more than your appetizer—or your entrée, for that matter—pizza becomes an odd proposition: How do you reconcile a meal that’s supposed to be quick and cheap with a decent vintage that most assuredly is not?
Ari Malcom, the CEO of Pizza Vinoteca, the New York-based chain that recently opened in Ballston, wants to absolve that inherent tension.
“Pizza’s humble, simple—not expensive,” Malcolm says. Which is why he sampled more than 1,000 wines last summer to come up with a list of 36 wines by the glass that are all $10 or less ...
George Pagonis, who oversees the kitchens at Ballston’s new Kapnos Taverna and also at Kapnos downtown, grew up in a thoroughly Greek household in Alexandria. His dad ran the now-shuttered Four Seasons Diner—an eatery in the tradition of New York and New Jersey diners “with tons of things on the menu,” and which always had Greek specials ...
It’s too bad Mae West didn’t live to visit Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken—especially now that it’s opening a second location in Falls Church this summer. Because who can get enough of maple-bacon and crème-brulee doughnuts, or a fried-chicken doughnut sandwich? ...