Got Heart, Give Hope Gala

This event was an intimate, black-tie fundraising gala honoring and supporting wounded service members and their families.

The Got Heart, Give Hope® Gala is an annual event hosted by Hope For The Warriors®. Hope For The Warriors® is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for post-9/11 service members, their families, and families of the fallen who have sustained physical and psychological wounds in the line of duty.

This event, on April 17, was an intimate, black-tie fundraising gala honoring and supporting wounded service members and their families. It provided sponsors and attendees with access to business leaders, public figures, and policy makers.

This year’s host was actor and advocate for wounded service members, Gary Sinise who was accompanied by co-host, John Vigiano, Sr., FDNY, former Marine, and member of the Hope For The Warriors® Honorary Council. GAC Top 20 Country Singer, James Wesley, was also in attendance as the musical guest of the evening.

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