Matt Kelly
Schreffler Chiropractic
Matt Kelly’s training philosophy is based on what he calls the five fundamental human movements: Push, pull, squat, hinge and carry. As a chiropractor and personal trainer, he suggests doing some version of those five motions daily, either in hour-long workouts or movement “snacks” throughout the day. When you have a few minutes here or there, do 10 squats. If you’re out with your kid on the playground, find a chin-up bar and do a few pullups. In the morning or at night, do a set of pushups. Don’t want to invest in expensive weight equipment? Buy a resistance band, insert it in a doorjamb and, with a hand grasping each side of the band, pull your arms out in the shape of a T. Fitting these reps into 5- to 10-minute increments makes the commitment less daunting. Through all of it, “make sure you’re moving through those patterns correctly and often,” he says. “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Nutrition Tip: Snack often, but only on the good stuff.
Kelly carries bags of nuts (cashews and walnuts, mostly) which are beneficial sources of “good fat.” He also turns to carrots and hummus for an energy boost when his day is jammed with appointments. Equally important, he says, is intermittent fasting for 8 to 16 hours—yes, sleeping hours count—to “give your body time to rest and digest.”