Tracy Cooley

"I've decided to use this time to discover my own city by walking or running every street."

Before the pandemic hit, I hadn’t taken a big vacation in years. Since I’m at a dramatically reduced salary from not working full-time and, like so many Arlingtonians, dealing with underlying stress and anxiety while still feeling incredibly thankful, I’ve decided to use this time to discover my own city by walking or running every street.

I’m tackling each neighborhood individually and charting my own course, trying to take in every street and house.

The quiet neighborhoods with well-maintained gardens, kids’ chalk masterpieces, wraparound porches (and so. many. teddy bears!) are refueling my need for inspiration and optimism. I imagine the people who live in these houses would want their homes to be appreciated and enjoyed from the curb.

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Life is being lived “on the curb” by so many of us right now. It’s a great back-step to take it all in and consider what we like, what we don’t like and what we desperately need to change.

As I walk or run, I try to find things I have never noticed, willing myself to become a habitual explorer in search of the undiscovered; an investigator trying to unlock mysteries that are right in front of me.

We have a beautiful city. I am enjoying taking a break from my relentless social to-do lists to discover the infinite universe within Arlington. So much of it is just waiting to be noticed and appreciated.

Thank you, Arlingtonians, for all you do to contribute to our wonderful community. If you see me and my fur baby (a rescue pup named Freyja) exploring your neighborhood, please say “hi.” We could all use a little kindness from strangers right now.

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