
Cal Cates

"As a massage therapist in the middle of a global pandemic, I'd like to ask you to stay home—no matter what the governor says."

Ingrid Gorman

Searching for sanity in home improvement: "The drooping cabinet door nobody cared about for years is now a disappointment."

Tracy Cooley

"I've decided to use this time to discover my own city by walking or running every street."

Lisa Griffin

When Covid-19 interrupted plans to honor this American hero with a proper retirement ceremony at Fort Myer, we knew we had to step up.

The Storied History of Chain Bridge

Spanning a narrow stretch of the Potomac, this local landmark has provided passage for Civil War soldiers, bootleggers and more.

Patricia Fuentes Burns

"Being able to read and write more helps me with the uncertainty of the crisis and is also the gift of the crisis."

Barry Altman

"All I knew growing up was apartment living. There was always a dish-drain rack."

Mike Higgins

“With eternal love to my wife, Shannon—and all who’ve magnified the best of us—on this 20th anniversary of our marriage.”
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Samara Weinstein

"Back in grad school I was an extrovert. I'm different now. The quarantine has definitely brought out the introvert in me."

Sarah Nealy

"Giving birth to your first child is an exciting and nerve-racking experience. Now throw in a pandemic."

Language Lessons

I stopped learning my parents' native tongue at a young age. Now I regret it.

Paula Levin-Alcorn

"Will our dogs need grief therapy after we all go back to work? Or will they be relieved?"