Amy Brecount White

Amy Brecount White is a travel writer, naturalist, novelist and college essay coach based in Arlington.

Articles by This Contributor

College Can Wait

Many local high school grads are taking a break before heading to college. But they aren’t sitting on the couch watching TV.

The Legend of the Overlee Ghost

Paranormal encounters were commonplace in and around the house that once stood at the site of Arlington's Overlee Swim Club.

Thy Name Shall Be Arlington

How did Arlington get its name? Not as nobly as some believe.

The Horns Whisperer

Got a troubled trumpet? Busted bassoon? Peter Ferrante can fix it.

We Love Lucy

Arlington’s favorite redhead has faced a slew of medical setbacks that nearly ended her career. Her response? Just dance.

Strike a Pose

Want to give yoga a try? The first step is finding a style that suits you.

Girl Trouble

A teen girl armed with a cellphone and a grudge can wreak havoc with devastating consequences. Many local families have the scars to prove it.