Amy Brecount White

Amy Brecount White is a travel writer, naturalist, novelist and college essay coach based in Arlington.

Articles by This Contributor

Tall Ships Carry Tall Tales in Chestertown, Maryland

Maritime history and legends abound during the colonial town's annual Downrigging Weekend, Oct. 29-Nov 1.

The Private School Option

Northern Virginia's public schools count among some of the best in the nation. So why do some families pay for private school?

Portraits of a Master Engraver

You may not know Arlington artist Thomas Hipschen by name, but you've seen his work. It's on several denominations of U.S. currency.

Discover Fly-Fishing in the Virginia Piedmont

There's an art to catching trout at Rose River Farm in Madison County. I took a lesson.

Secrets of Successful Marriages

All marriages have their ups and downs, and some don't survive. Arlington journalist Amy Brecount White explores how couples can make love last.

The AP and IB Arms Race

Sometimes more challenging coursework is a good thing for students. And sometimes more is too much.

Gone with the Wind

Set a course for adventure on a Chesapeake Bay boat-and-breakfast tour.

Lawn Gone

Is your grass giving you heartache? Getting rid of it might be good for your sanity and the environment.
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Character Reference

What was Virginia like before the Revolutionary War? Ask Cousin Daniel Wilcox.

Handle with Care

From helicopter moms to snowplow dads, we are more involved in our kids’ lives than ever before. Are we better parents than our parents were? Or have we gone too far?

Letting Go

We want to protect our kids from pain, disappointment and loss. But sometimes we shouldn’t.

Points and Rebounds

Coach and mentor Chummy Gill teaches kids to shoot for success—in life.