Amy Brecount White

Amy Brecount White is a travel writer, naturalist, novelist and college essay coach based in Arlington.

Articles by This Contributor

The Whiskey Book Club

Think book groups are only for wine-drinking women? Think again.

Explore Virginia’s Eastern Shore Waterways

Head to the centuries-old town of Onancock and pick up a kayak or skiff.

Get Away: Jamestown’s Diverse HerStory Exhibit

"Tenacity" offers a multicultural look at the women of 17th century Virginia.

Get Away: Fire & Ice Festivals

Winter is festival season in many mid-Atlantic small towns. Go outside and play.

Feeling Stressed? Treat Yourself to a Mini Retreat.

Where to try meditation, mindfulness, t'ai chi chih and other spiritual paths to centeredness.

What Colleges Really Want

Getting ready to apply? Don't stress. Here's what's important in today's competitive landscape. And what's not.

DuPonts and Wyeths Lived Here

The Brandywine Valley gave rise to two 20th-century dynasties: one aristocratic and one artistic. Their homes can tell you stories.

Watch Impressionist Painters in Action

You can see their landscapes unfold before your very eyes during the annual Plein Air Easton festival in Easton, Maryland.
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Virginia Beach in Winter? Whale Yes.

January and February are the best months for whale watching off the coast of this resort town.

How to Raise a Reader

Want your kids to become avid readers? Here's how to share the love.

Good Libations in Nelson County

Locavores will find fine wine, craft beer and tasty spirits under the micro-appellation "Nelson 151" near Charlottesville.

9 Things Your Teens Wish You Knew

Parents, here's your annual performance review. We asked teens in Arlington, McLean and Falls Church to give it to us straight.