There’s something about cupcakes that draws people in. Perhaps it’s the memory of the home-baked ones from our childhood, or the fact that eating a small, delicate dessert feels different from scarfing down a thick slice of cake or pie. And, let’s face it, cupcakes are fun. We’ve complied a list of go-to places for cupcakes, whether you need treats to haul to an office function, a contribution to a baby shower, or something sweet to eat on the go.

1. Sweetbites Café and Bakery
Sweetbites started as a food truck in 2010 – one of the first in the District, owner Sandra Panetta says – and became a brick-and-mortar operation about two years ago. Cupcake flavors include salted caramel, red velvet, vanilla and chocolate, with seasonal twists such as a fig-and-honey cupcake during the summer and a Christmas cupcake made with peppermint candy cane. Panetta uses imported chocolate and fresh butter and cream, and says that her frostings aren’t as sugary as others.
Sweetbites Café, 6845 Elm St., McLean