7 Local Florists You Should Know

Skip the cheesy corporate delivery options. These creative blooms are a cut above the rest.

Tiny Bloom Shop

Gretchen Dimina is the accidental florist. The Arlington mom started out arranging flowers as thank-you gifts for friends, but soon found her services were in high demand. Dimina’s arrangements are works of art, always incorporating a thoughtful balance of color and texture. Prices include local delivery. (Deliveries limited to Arlington and parts of Falls Church.)  www.tinybloomshop.com

HB Fiori website photo


Each year in May, Arlington floral artist Hermon Black of HBFiori teams up with gift wonderland Covet  to make Mother’s Day shopping a breeze. Sweet arrangements are available for pre-order and can be picked up at the popular boutique in Arlington’s Bluemont neighborhood. www.hbfiori.com

Stem & Thistle website photo.

Stem & Thistle

Instagram feed not pretty enough? Start following @stemandthistleva. Designer Brook Gagnier’s posts will brighten up your day. Plus, they’ll offer a glimpse of the many kinds of natural, elegant and swoon-worthy flower creations she can put together upon request. www.stemandthistle.net

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Galleria Florist Facebook photo.

Galleria Florist

This Falls Church shop can handle jobs of any size. Owner Alisa Rabinovich says she strives to create arrangements that look like they’ve been collected from a garden. “Not too worked or overdone,” she says, “with a little bit of structure and a little bit of fun.” galleriaflorist.biz

Company Flowers Facebook photo.

Company Flowers & Gifts

In addition to its expansive selection of lush and exotic blooms, this gem of a boutique—an Arlington go-to for 25 years—sells plants, planters, gifts and cards. You’ll find it tucked into a small strip of stores in Cherrydale. companyflowers.com

Multiflor website photo


Multiflor owner Nick Perez is a longtime favorite among wedding and event planners for his elegant, knock-your-socks-off arrangements, but even his petite designs are polished and long-lasting (plus the containers are totally worth saving). nicksflowers.com

Botanologica Facebook photo


This Falls Church boutique sells artisan-made gifts and decorative containers, but earth mamas will especially appreciate their organically arranged creations that make use of local flowers, native plants and succulents. www.botanologica.com

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